Supported Living Home Care Services - AMCS
Supported individuals require an enhanced or specialist level of support which is otherwise unavailable in community settings due to the complexity of their needs.
Arthur Morrison Care Services provides residential service to support males/female with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs, including mental health issues and additional nursing needs.
Some of the people we support may be from a secure setting or hospital environment. They may be part of the Transforming Care Agenda overseen by NHS to support individuals with complex needs to move to more community-based settings.
The Manager of the service and dedicated key worker will be involved right from the assessment stage to support a smooth transition and on-going person-centred planning.
Circumstances where individuals display behaviours which others might find challenging, the team work closely with our in-house Positive Behavioural Intervention Team who provide dedicated support strategies and respective training to the support team. The team take a positive approach, supporting individuals to improve their daily living skills and overcome their challenges to gain greater independence.
There is also a focus on people being active in the community, to enjoy leisure and social opportunities of their choice, attend college to learn new skills and take up voluntary work in the local area.
If you would like to have a confidential discussion about our services please contact us on 0203 8374954.